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Abraham - Ancient writings - Asgard - Atlantis - Belovodya - Hebrews - Jesus - Karma - Daaric Annual Circle - Ice Age - Ha'Arian Karuna - Huainanzi - Hyperborea - North Pole - Phaeton - Slavic Aryan Calendar - YNGLINGA SAGA
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Numerous historical artifacts have been indiscriminately destroyed. Many writings and people fell victim to the Inquisition in Europe. At almost the same time the library in Alexandria, the Etruscan library in Rome, Athens and Constantinople were in flames. The libraries of Yaroslav the Wise and Ivan IV were also wiped out.

The same was done in the Americas. Almost all the natives were wiped out, about 100 million people were murdered. As a result, very little has been preserved.

Most people are probably familiar with the Mayan calendar They got this from Kukulkan, he is described by them as a white man with blue eyes, white hair and a beard. The Aztecs called him Quetzalcoatl and Azteke means 'someone who comes from Aztlan', which probably means Antlan (Atlantis). [1]

Ancient writings

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Ancient writings and their relation to reality

The ancient scriptures published here in extracts have their roots in the Vedic culture that was spread all over planet Earth before the Ice Age. The authentic evidence of Vedic culture includes the worldwide occurrence of pyramids, the worldwide and little-explored megalithic structures and monolithic cultures and the runic writings.
The search for authentic evidence of this culture also includes the cross-connections and parallels in the ancient writings and their sources such as Brahma, Krishna, maraMara, Odin, the sacred syllable omОm, Svantovit und Vishnu.

wedaWeda. Recognize wisdom and live it. To know something. Knowing the origins of the 3 worlds - pravPraw, navNaw, javJaw. Reflects a desire to experience something previously unknown. The principle of accumulation of knowledge (consciousness), the principle of understanding information and finding mutual connections.

In the Ha'Aryan arithmetic, the Vedas are an infinite set of two-dimensional objects in the multidimensional universe.


The Bhagavad-gita is the essence of Vedic knowledge, the Vedic wisdom brought to India by the Aryans. In the book 'Bhagavad-gita As It Is' the author A. C. Bhaktiwedanta Swami Prabhupada attaches great importance to the unaltered interpretation of this scripture. This publication of excerpts from this work tries to make the overview easier for the reader.

VERSE 4.7 Whenever and wherever religious life declines and irreligiousness abounds, O descendant of Bharata, at that time I appear.

Explanation: From the Bhagavatam we learn that Buddha is an incarnation of Krishna who appeared when materialism was rampant and the materialists used the authority of the Vedas as an excuse to slaughter innocent animals. Although there are certain restrictive rules and regulations in the Vedas pertaining to animal sacrifices performed for specific purposes, the demons still performed these animal sacrifices without conforming to Vedic principles. The Buddha therefore appeared to put an end to this senseless activity and to introduce the Vedic principles of non-violence.

Gospel of Buddha

The Gospel of the Buddhas according to ancient sources by Paul Carus
Gautama Buddha lived 563/480 – c. 483/400 BC.

Religions say Buddhism is a philosophy. The philosophers say Buddhism is a religion. Buddhism is a link between religion and philosophy.

Brahma and Abraham

Four monotheistic world religions apparently spread similar content. It is better to find out how this came about than to pray or submit without thinking. Judaism, Christianity and Islam have Abraham as their source. Their coexistence is historical and has been accompanied by violent conflicts to the present day.

According to the Bhagavad-gita, Brahma is the first created being from which all human beings descend. Abraham is the father of many nations. The wedaWeda are much older: Is Abraham a counterfeit of Brahma ?

Abraham (Genesis) (1. book of Moses Chapter 12)
- Several scholars are inclined to make this famous patriarch of the Jewish people either the god Brahma himself, or a Braman who had to leave India in the dispute between Shiwaitis and Brahma worshipers: Vollmer's mythology of all peoples Abraham - The Hebrews had already in biblical times an exchange with the Vedic culture and spirituality of India Brahma and Aschram - Brahma and Abraham or Abraham = Brahma repeatedly refer to parallels between the Hebrew patriarch figure AbRaham and the Hindu creator god BRahma and their respective wives Sarah and Saraswati; Both stem from the older Egyptian astro-theology coupling of Ra (Sun, Light) and Sirius (α Canis Majoris)

In the Slavic Aryan Wedas this is the legend of

Sirius (mythology) - Ra - Egyptian sun god - Brahma and Abraham - Sirius (Tatyana Mickushina, Omsk)


In Santia 5 of the Wedas of Perun, an all-wise wanderer is reported. He was sent to abolish the cult of death and blood sacrifice and bring love:

16(80) And to them will the gods...send a Great Wanderer bringing love, but the priests of the Golden Tur (Bull) will abandon him to an agonizing death. But after his death, they will declare him a GOD...and will create a new faith built on lies, blood and oppression... They will declare all peoples to be something inferior (lowest, inferior) and sinful, and will call on them to repent in the face of their created God, and ask His forgiveness for deeds done and not yet done

Karma - reincarnation

The doctrine of reincarnation and thus the law of karma were abolished by the Church in Constantinople at the Council of 533 AD.
Religions are manipulative, their system is based on belief (dogma), ergo without knowledge. That's probably why religions were made. The past and natural laws are degraded to belief. How the natural sciences and the past are currently being dealt with. You should question everything, dogmas make you unscrupulous - unscrupulous "detached from conscience".

What is the me inside?

Slavic Aryan Wedas

The origin of the Indian Vedas from the Slavic Aryan Wedas is plausible given the linguistic similarity of Old Russian and Sanskrit and the striking similarity of the Ha'Aryan karuna and the Sanskrit. The Wedas are written in Ha'Aryan Karuna. The location of the Wedas is apparently being kept secret for security reasons. There may be a wide field of activity here for Indo-European studies, religious studies and archeology

Vedas - Alte Schriften - W3C

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